Chinese version: 使用单HACKRF板接收ADS-B信息并通过BTLE发至手机
(also find tools and firmwares here: )
(to lower risk, latitude and lontitude accuracy has been degraded intentionally)
A HACKRF firmware to convert ADS-B (1090MHz) packet to BTLE (2.4GHz) packet. Let you use Phone/Pad to see plane around. (Such as LightBlue in APP store). (video inside CHN, video on youtube)
Two ways to try my firmware:
####1. try this firmware temporarily in RAM
(will lost after HACKRF reset. won’t change HACKRF native firmware)
Download adsb-btle-air-relay.dfu to local.
Download and install dfu-util:
git clone git://
Also have put one here dfu-util.tar.gz
To start up HackRF One in DFU mode, hold down the DFU button while powering it on or while pressing and releasing the RESET button. Release the DFU button after the 3V3 LED illuminates. (See detailed info here
Load ADS-B BTLE air relay firmware to RAM and RUN:
sudo dfu-util --device 1fc9:000c --alt 0 --download adsb-btle-air-relay.dfu
(After reset or power cycle you have to do DFU again because RAM content will lost after that.)
Open LightBlue APP, you will see plane info organized like:
ICAO-addr/Flight altitude speed latitude lontitude
####2. flash this firmware into HACKRF board permanently
(will change HACKRF native firmware. but you can restore HACKRF native firmware later)
Download adsb-btle-air-relay.bin to local.
Make sure your board is running HACKRF native firmware (because it accepts hackrf_spiflash), then
hackrf_spiflash -w adsb-btle-air-relay.bin
hackrf_spiflash tool should have been installed along with I also upload one here
When the firmware run, TX led (red) should blink very fast. If the firmware doesn’t run, you should put the board into DFU mode (hold down DFU button while resetting) then press RESET button again.
####* restore HACKRF native firmware permanently
Because my firmware doesn’t support hackrf_spiflash, you have to DFU HACKRF native firmware into RAM firstly, then use hackrf_spiflash to flash navtive firmware into board.
Put board into DFU mode, then (I have put one file here hackrf_usb.dfu)
dfu-util --device 1fc9:000c --alt 0 --download hackrf_usb.dfu
Don’t reset or power cycle your board here!
Flash HACKRF native firmware: (I have put one file here hackrf_usb.bin)
hackrf_spiflash -w hackrf_usb.bin
Now you get your HACKRF board back to original status.
Want to know how to make your own firmware and flash/dfu it? See firmware directory of